Danger Rangers
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Application Template [READ FIRST] [<-- DO IT!]

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Application Template  [READ FIRST]  [<-- DO IT!] Empty Application Template [READ FIRST] [<-- DO IT!]

Post  Blondiranger Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:54 am

We want players that know your own class but also your fellow members class.
We want players that understand/speak English.
We want players that are mature.

Please take the time to answer all the questions.

Once you have been accepted & invited, create a forum account and make sure an officer grants you permission to the membersforum.

General player info
1. Name: [Your first name]
2. Year of birth: [eg. 1987]
3. Country: [eg. Sweden]
4. Do you have Ventrilo: [yes/no]
5. Do you have a working microphone: [yes/no]
6. When are you available for raiding: [hours/days]

Character info
7. Character name: [Your main character, the one you apply with]
8. Character race/class: [eg. Undead Warlock]
9. Server: [The server your main is currently on]
10. Total played: [Your main's /played]
11. Guild history: [Name some of your previous guilds and your role or rank in them]
12. Professions: [Your main's professions and skill levels, eg. Herbalism (375)/Jewelcrafting (352)]
13. Short description of your primary alts: [State the classes, /played and professions of your primary alts]

Questions about your character
14. What is the role you would prefer in raids?
[Tell us what you would prefer to do in raids with your main. Your specc and gear will be evaluated based on this question. Eg. dps shaman, pure healing druid, shadow priest, tanking warrior... Feel free to answer with several sentences.]

15. What is your spec?
[Eg. 20 (Discipline) / 41 (Holy) / 0 (Shadow)]

16. Why have you chosen this specific spec?
[Tell us why have you chosen the above spec, what are the advantages and the disadvantages in it and for what kind of situations/environments your spec is the most suitable for. Feel free to answer with several sentences.]

17. What kind of gear do you have?
[Describe briefly your main gear sets. State the most important data in numbers. You should link your armory page or other profile here. Don't mind doing this apply if you're not posting any links.]

Questions about raiding
18. What is your raiding experience?
[Tell us which dungeons you have cleared and with which character(s). Include also pre-TBC instances if you played back then.]

19. To which heroic mode instances you have access to on your main?
[Eg. Hellfire Citadel/Coilfang Reservoir/Auchindoun/Tempest Keep/Caverns of Time]

20. What attunements do you have on your main character?
[Eg. MC/Onyxia/BWL/Naxxramas/Karazhan/Mount Hyjal/Black Temple]

21. How do you prepare for raids?

22. What kind of consumables would you take with you to a raid?
[Eg. potions, reagents, oils, bandages...]

Other questions
Please take your time to answer these questions. You may use several sentences in each answer. These are the most important questions in this application form.

23. What is your current personal goal within WoW?

24. Why do you want to join Danger Rangers, and why did you leave/want to leave your old guild?

25. Anything else you would like to add to your application?
[If you have anything else you would like us to know, this is the place for it.]


Posts : 96
Join date : 2007-12-06


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